Wednesday, July 31, 2019

K6QLF Field Day - Part 4 - One last look

It boggles my mind that 2019 Field Day (which not long ago seemed so far away) is now a month behind us. This last weekend, amidst the IOTA (Islands On The Air) Contest, the monthly meeting of the Amateur Radio Club of Alameda took place at the Alameda hospital. [CLICK HERE] to view the ARCA website.

Not only were there a bunch of pictures taken ([CLICK HERE] to view), the highlights were put together making the video at the top of this Blog Page.  This Blog is Part 4 in the series of write-ups
I wrote up about my involvement with the K6QLF Field Day from the Aeolian Yacht Harbor in Alameda.  Here is what has been written thus far:
  1. [x] - WQ6X Floats a 24-hour Field Day w/K6QLF - Part 1
  2. [x] - WQ6X Floats a 24-hour Field Day w/K6QLF - Part 2
  3. [x] - WQ6X Floats a 24-hour Field Day w/K6QLF - Part 3
While I have run Field Day from many different venues, running as a maritime mobile was
something new for me.  We may not have been out on the "high seas" (a GooD thing), however
the boat experienced its moments of rocking back and forth in the harbor adding to the enjoyment
of the operation.

In the above picture, it looks as tho this were a permanent installation, not one that was gone 48 hours later.  Anticipating a lot of Cw contacts, the external Cw filters were brought aboard the boat
to demonstrate the Stereo Cw concept.  To make Ssb operation more enjoyable, a classic (50 yr-old) Radio Shaft SP-150 speaker was used.  Running the ICOM 7000 again for Field Day was a joy, having the external 5" video screen to the operator's left.  The logging computer was put at eye-level using the audio filters as a short pedestal.

Lest anyone think that Field Day is nothing more than a "beer fest" and not an emergency preparedness exercise, our operation included a fully functional Alameda CERT van at the
yacht harbor.  This van also made its debut at the Alameda street faire this last weekend.

Anytime non-hams suggest that amateur radio is obsolete because we have cellphones and internet, I remind them that power failures and governments can arbitrarily choose to disrupt those services - whereas to shut down our radios, they have to find us first.

Do YOU play in Radio Amateur's Field Day every year?

Did YOU participate in the 2019 Field Day event?


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