Tuesday, August 15, 2023

STEREO Stereo-Cw: It All begins with a Concept

As you probably know, I am a fan of the Stereo-Cw receive audio enhancement idea.
In preparation for this BLOG entry I DiD a BLOG-wide search on "Stereo CW" phrase.
[CLICK HERE] to see some of the more relevant Blogs written on this subject and related
areas (Ssb and RTTY) in particular).

While Stereo-Cw is usually run into a pair of stereo headphones, using speakers can not
only relieve ear strain, it can create an incredible listening effect for visitors to the radio shack. 
Until recently, I've been using stereo speakers (and sub woofer) from a retired home entertainment system, which unfortunately is highly prone to RFI distortions when transmitting at power levels above
QRP (5-watts).

Recently I happened onto a LEKATO JA-02 Mini guitar amplifier running around 5-watts. 
Altho the unit uses a rechargeable battery; it comes with a charge cable that can plug into any
USB port.  It occurred to me that a PAIR of these speakers could take the Stereo-Cw to the next
level - what I call STEREO Stereo-Cw.  This approach relies on the fact that each amplifier unit
is actually a pair of stereo speakers.

The Yaesu FT-1000mp, FT-2000 & FTDX-5000 transceivers (thru menu settings) enable complete separation between left/right ear, or a mixture of both in each ear.  Devising a simple switch arrangement enables creating the same kind of effect with a pair of JA-02 amplifier units.
After doodling on the whiteboard, I scrawled these notes, from which a simple 2-pole
3-position switch makes it all work.

An advantage to using a PAIR of LEKATO JA-02 units is that the speakers can be moved apart
(or closer together) creating the most dramatic listening effect for a given listening environment.   Because the power/input connectors are on the REAR of each unit, aesthetically, these speakers look AMAZING together.

While there is more to say about this Stereo Stereo-Cw idea, we shall wait until we have
a few weeks operation behind this installation.

Have YOU Ever attempted the Stereo-Cw concept???

How DiD it Turn Out for YOU?

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