Tuesday, December 31, 2019

WQ6X Contest BLOG #299: Writing a BLOG Entry is Like.....

.....making a radiosport QSO.

When I work a station during a radiosport contest,
with each individual QSO I do not QUIT until the
information is properly exchanged; both ways.

Then, when it is done, we move ON,
almost as if it never happened.

Later if we are allowed, we can repeat
the above procedure - on a different band.

When I compose/publish a [new] BLOG Entry,
depending upon the BLOG Topic, I may be researching
new ideas to write about; or,
I may be cut/pasting stats and/or
the .JPG
files you see in each published entry.

I often write out of an intense flurry of ideas and activity;
then when the BLOG is finally published,

it is again, all but forgotten.

This is the 299th Contest BLoG Entry;
I've pretty much forgotten about the other 298.

73, Everybody - C U in 2020.

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