Thursday, May 16, 2024

Continuing Reasons... YOU Should NoT Call Me

After working another IN7QPNE Weekend (Cinco de Contest) I stared at the after-contest notes
about what actually happened during those 5 events.  Throughout that weekend, different stations called-in out of the blue.  Having NoT read the various QSO party rules (such as 7QP and NEQP),
non 7th call area or New England stations would call in necessitating me to send: 5NN CA
When they send me THEIR state (not in one of those areas) I press Alt-W (WIPE) followed
by F3 - "TU WQ6X".  While they may add me to their log (if they even KEEP a log), their call
to me is NoT logged - which essentially means the QSO DiD NoT happen.  When I forward
contest logs to LoTW, their callsign will NoT be in the WQ6X LoGs.

After the above scenario I went to the WQ6X Blog search engine to review the NUMEROUS
Blog entries written on the subject of listening and why you should not call me.  As you can see,
this chronological list is quite exhaustive:

  1. [X] - Aug 21, 2019 - 7 Reasons You [probably] Should Not Call Me - Part 1
  2. [X] - Jul  21, 2019  - 7 Things I Do BE-4 Every Radiosport Weekend
  3. [X] - Sep  3, 2019  - 7 Reasons You [probably] Should Not Call Me - Part 2
  4. [X] - Feb 20, 2020  - WQ6X Wanders Thru another ARRL Dx Contest
  5. [X] - May 5, 2020   - WQ6X Offers Further PROOF that - "You Should NoT Call Me!"
  6. [X] - July 2, 2020   - You're A DUP OL' Man...
  7. [X] - Mar 10, 2021 - WQ6X survives a massive Turkey Shoot-Out during a Triple-Contest                                          Weekend
  8. [X] - May 7, 2021  - WQ6X Works another CINCO-de-Contest WeeKend
  9. [X] - April 6, 2022 - WQ6X Wades Thru a Weird Radiosport Weekend
  10. [X] - May 9, 2022 - A Dozen+ ways to Say: "You Should NoT Call Me!"
  11. [X] - Jun 21, 2022 - Why calling "CQ Asia" still means that You Should NoT Call Me
  12. [X] - Oct 10, 2022 - Why You should LISTEN BE-4 You call Me

As it has been nearly 2 years since I've had anything to say on this subject, reflecting
on recent contest run this year, I have a few additions to make to the above lists:
  • Do You know what "CQ M" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME.
  • Do You know what "CQ MM" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME
  • Do You know what "CQ VOLTA" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME
  • Do You know what "CQ EA TEST" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME
  • Do You know what "CQ XE RTTY" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME
  • Do You know what "CQ BARTG" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME
  • Do You know what "CQ NAQP" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME
  • Do You know what "CQ SPDX" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME
  • Do You know what "CQ JIDX" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME
  • Do You know what "CQ WPX" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME
  • Do You know what "CQ AQP" means?  -  Then You should NoT Call ME
  • Do You know that "WQ6X/CA" means I am in California and NoT Arkansas?
    Then You should [probably] NoT Call ME
  •   FILL-In the BLANK  
If operators would RTFR (Read the Contest Rules) BE-4 the contest, then I would
NoT need to continue writing BLoG entries like this one.

Unfortunately, we ALL know that after this year's CQP, HQP, WAE, and SS GiGs,
another set of variations on Why You should NoT Call Me will come to light.

Do YOU participate in radiosport contests?

Do YOU Read the Rules FIRST?

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