Tuesday, April 16, 2024

WQ6X Turns JIDX CW into a Calamatous 5-Contest Weekend

Calling the 2nd radiosport weekend of April a "Calamatous 5-Contest Weekend"
is a perfect summary of the weird combination of events and stations w/in those
events - WEIRD, but Workable.

In retrospect, from reading a slew of 3830 soapbox entries, we could say that this contest
weekend was (as they say) a mixed-bag.  During the weekend I spent time ad-libbing
2 QSO parties (NDQP wasn't listed on the Contest Calendar), the IG-RTTY contest,
the Yuri Gagarin Russian GiG, and of course, the showcase event - the JIDX Cw contest.

In addition to running the 2am to 6am shifts both mornings, I took over the 8pm to 10pm
(the "Dinner Shift") using 20-meters to more-or-less keep things alive, hoping for the Mult-OP
(on STN-1) to find any straggler mults on 15 & 10.  Overall, it seems as if overall JA-activity was
WaY down this year; we will know for sure when the log submission deadline has been reached.

Both mornings on 40-meters it seemed that the JA-participation was down while the QRM-level
was significantly UP.  Propagation to Asia was quite good, in-so-far as the "K" & "M" Russian
military beacon loud signals indicated.  

Sunday morning, the 40-meter band was plagued by a SUPER-WIDE (S-9+) Woodpecker. 
I was so desperate to avoid it, I engaged in a game of "Leap Frog" between 80 and 20 meters,
cognizant of the 10-min band change rule in JIDX.  Only as a last resort was 40-meters considered.  Base on antenna pointing and reports from other operators, the Woodpecker SEEMED to originate
from inland Asia (Vladivostok?) beamed at the USA.  Is there any correlation to the Russian military "F" beacon off the air during the same periods?

The NM & GA QSO parties were ho-hum affairs; altho the 2nd-run of GAQP on Sunday kinda made up for the dearth of stations on Saturday.  Altho NoT listed on the contest calendar, one station was heard on 20-meters calling "CQ NDQP...", so I assume North Dakota had their own GiG happening. 
A note to QSO Party sponsors: if y'all want us to play in your QSO party, ya' gotta advertise it and send e-mail to previous participants (like me).

The IG-RTTY contest is a unique event in that the exchange consists of sending the FOUR digits
of the year you were 1st-licensed (Ex: 1969)

Sunday gave us another opportunity to work GAQP stations, altho there were NoT many new stations to work.  At 23:30z it occurred to me that most of the GAQP action had moved down to 40-meters.  While 15:30 (local time) is usually quite early for working GAQP stations (especially running QRP), there was NoThing to lose by giving it a go.  Eventually, 2-QSOs DiD frantically make it into the log, just in time for the 23:59:59z contest end.

To end Sunday afternoon, a not-inconsiderable amount of time was spent capturing ending screens, posting 3830 stats and submitting log files.  It ALMOST seemed as if more time was spent doing "admin" work than running the non-JIDX events combined.

A self-induced side-benefit of operations during the weekend was a thorough shake-down of the morrasively complex audio cable configuration used in the W7AYT portable setup.  To combat poor signal comprehension, the complete array of DSP units (JPS NIR-10 & NIR-12 & MFJ-984) as well
as the classic pair of MFJ-752 audio enhancement filters made it all possible.

DiD YOU run any of the 5 radiosport GiGs during the 2nd April contest weekend?

Is NX6T or WQ6X in YOUR LoG?

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