Sunday, June 5, 2022

Creative Competition in Radiosport and Toastmasters Part-10: Practicing to Practice more Perfectly

In Part-9 of this Blog series, I broke down the idea of practice into several crucial components needed for each style of competition to be encountered.

With contest logging software (I use N1MM+, a FREE program) over recent years I have amassed a creation-collection of functional macros, designed to deliver a tight-delivery of the message(s) needed for a given contest or contest-mode.  Each macro is tested by reducing power to 0 and running thru the keys.

When in Doubt, CHEAT (but within the rules) - in radiosport, Macros are EASILY w/in the rules. 
In BOTH radiosport and speech contests, timing is one of the most important factors; deliver, modify, practice, modify, Practice, Practice, final delivery - while the specifics may be different, the principles are the same.


Speech contests and radiosport are all about competition; not just competition with others, but more importantly, competition with ourselves.

Nevertheless, the Judge's Ballot can offer me insight into the what areas
I want to focus on during the eventual final delivery.

It all begins with a compelling speech topic wrapped around carefully crafted speech content.

Effectiveness, Appropriateness and Speech value are a major part of crafting a compelling speech presentation.

With a timer, individual pieces can be tried out, altering wording sometimes to produce a more "tight" delivery.

While most cellphones have a Timer facility
and Timer APPs can be downloaded from the internet, I chose to write my own "Tongue Twisters Timer" APP, insuring that there
are no mistakes.

Behind the scenes design with my APP is the ability to graph the timeline for each delivery and compare the graphs as changes are made.  This data can be quite eye-opening.

When crafting a speech, it is important to be cognizant of where your speech is as each colored light is lit.  Ideally, you should NEVER reach the RED light, not even for a moment.


In what do you engage to take your skills to the next level?
Then again, maybe you DON'T want to tell me and give me new ideas.

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