Thursday, March 31, 2022

Radiosport Contesting as EM-Comm Training - Part 2

As you know, I have written ad-nauseum regarding my contention that radiosport exercises, properly run, can serve as training for for Emergency Communication (EM-Comm) operations; in both cases, the goal is NoT only to get the message thru, but to transmit the information accurately. 
[Click Here] to see a WQ6X contest Blog search on this topic.

In a recent Contest Blog Post, I published an inane letter to RadioWorld's Reader's Forum and my reply to that letter.  K1OIK, a licensed radio amateur trashes an enterprise he claims to be an integral part of.  He claims that 99% of all radio amateurs have no involvement with emergency assistance. 
Is Mr. Fisher included in that 99%?

Fisher claims that we transmit worthless information during radiosport contests, yet fails to identify WHICH contest(s) he is referring to; each contest GiG being slightly different from the others.  If you visit K1OIK's QRZ.Com page, you will see that he is hardly involved in emergency communication.  The only thing of value display on that pages is his GRAVE STONE.

To TRASH the entire amateur community (correction, only 99% of us) because we are not as perfect as he claims to be, should NoT be an indictment on the Quality or Sincerity of our emergency preparedness efforts.  Nowhere does he demonstrate that HE is active in any kind of emergency communication operations.

He chides us for not having an emergency power generator like most broadcast stations.  Mr. Fisher's accusation fails to take into account that broadcast stations have thousands (if not millions) of dollars in operating budgets to purchase and maintain such equipment, whereas most amateurs can barely afford their equipment.  Additionally, his hypocritical QRZ page makes no indication that he actually possesses such a generator for his own operations.

However consider this: due to a lack of proper information, much of the public would more-or-less agree with his fake news - they want to believe so bad, they will believe anything.  Contesters: defend your contest operations.  Remind the rest of the amateur community there is actually
"a method to our madness".

I am proud to operate radiosport; onsite as well as remotely.

What about YOU?

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