Thursday, September 30, 2021

Creative Competition in Radiosport and Toastmasters Part-5: I Just SiT Back and Watch

During my 7 years in Toastmasters, my home club (The Alameda Tongue Twisters) has ranged in size from 7 to 25 members.  With a large membership, getting access to one of the 3 speaking slots every week was difficult.  At other times, I found myself speaking several times a month, as well being Toastmaster, Table Topic Master and Speech Evaluator.

As my club's membership has grown this year alone, I have quietly shifted away from frequent speaking and evaluating to just evaluating and General Evaluating.  As even more members
move thru Pathways LEVEL-1, they increasingly take on speaking and Evaluator roles.

In the month of September, I am [largely] returning back to the way I started Toastmasters:
"I Just Sit Back and Watch"  I even wrote a BLoG about doing this.  In my Biofeedback work,
we call this "LooK"; in radiosport we call this "Listening".  Immerse yourself in LooK long enough
and you end up at "KNOW".

From a Biofeedback perspective, when we not-only Know, but also Know that We Know,
that energy can then be channeled into action.
  • In Toastmasters, that action manifests in the delivery of profound and moving speeches, as well as moving on up the Ladder of Leadership, not only in Toastmasters but also in other aspects of life as well.
  • In Radiosport, using that focus energy allows for more efficient/effective contest operating in addition to Elmering those who wish to learn the Art of Radiosport.
Currently, as I Sit Back and Watch, 2022 plans are already formulating for engaging in Toastmasters speech contests, and (hard to believe) taking radiosport to the next level.  This actually begins now
as I put together a Multi-Single CQP operation with the Amateur Radio Club of Alameda (ARCA). 
Last month I wrote a BLoG about doing this.

There are times when "Going For It" is the right thing to Do.
Then again, sometimes, it's a GooD Idea to trust that those
around you have their end covered, in concert with everyone else.

When THAT happens, then Just SiT back and WATCH.

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