Tuesday, February 25, 2025

WQ6X Wobbles thru a WEIRD CQ-160 + NAP RTTY WeeKend

Somehow, this contest weekend was SO Weird, that it almost slipped thru the cracks when it
comes to Filing a 383Scores.com score, submitting a .Log file and finally ad-HOC'ing this Blog entry.

Two major radiosport GiGs and two Ho-Hum QSO Parties were on the agenda for the weekend.
The 4th weekend of the month meeting of the month for the Amateur Radio Club of Alameda (ARCAHam.Org) kept me in Alameda for Saturday morning and afternoon.  Because of the complex RTTY configuration being used ([CLICK HERE] to read about it.  The decision was to not begin the NAQP RTTY GiG until arriving @W7AYT's QTH in Concord.  Altho two SCQP contacts previously made it to the log, the first RTTY QSO wasn't logged until 02:22z (shortly after SCQP's early QSO
party ending).

To run the CQ-160 contest, my op-time was 2nd priority for access to ANZA Station #1 when other OPs were doing other things.  With the still crippled 160 TRI-Square and the late station access on both evenings, only 10 QSOs made it to the log - enuf to say "I Wuz THERE!"

Altho the NAQP RTTY is a 12-hour affair, I only managed 96 QSOs for nearly 4-hours of op-time.
While I was one of 3 OPs in the SCCC contest group, we all had compromised situations, so I didn't expect super scores from any of us - only that our team was on the list.

While the SCQP was a bust (with an 02:00z ending, 40-meters is JUST opening to SC), on Sunday, the North Carolina variation (NCQP) at least put 18 QSOs into the log.  Like the SCQP GiG, ending this one at 01:00z is WAY too early.

When it was all over, WQ6X submitted 4 mediocre logs - at least I participated that weekend.

DiD YOU work, the CQ-160 Ssb, the NAQP RTTY or the NC/SC QSO Parties?

Is WQ6X in YOUR Log?

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