Friday, February 7, 2025

WQ6X Blast from the Past: CQ WPX RTTY - Part 2

In preparation for this upcoming weekend's WPX RTTY contest, I took yet another look back at the WPX RTTY GiGs WQ6X has been a part of.  ([CLICK HERE] to read Part 1.)  The GiGs from 2020
to 2023 we miracles unto themselves.  These include:
  • [X] 2020 - A SOAB(HP) remote run from Fallbrook as NX6T
  • [X] 2021 - A SOAB(HP) remote run from Fallbrook as WQ6X
  • [X] 2022 - A SOAB(LP) operation from Concord as WQ6X
  • [X] 2023 - A SOAB(QRP) operation from Concord as WQ6X
  • [X] 2024 - A SOAB(QRP) remote run from Ramona as WQ6X

For the 2020 WPX RTTY GiG, a call for operators produced no takers.  With that in mind, the goal was to run SOAB using the ACOM-2000 amplifier dialed back to around 770-watts.  With over 1100 QSOs in the log, NX6T placed 2nd for W6 and 1st for San Diego section and the Southwest.

For the 2021 WPX RTTY GiG, while the internet access had become more stable, the actual submitted score was considerably less than for 2019, probably because I ran fewer hours. 
Being at the BOTTOM of the sunspot cycle certainly didn't help matters.  Nevertheless,
it was a fun run, supplemented by Russian military beacon tracking.

For the 2022 WPX RTTY GiG the FT-2000 ran its first WPX RTTY contest.  In an attempt to
combat fading, while running the high bands, the 8JK-Trapezoid wire antenna was hooked to the ANT-2 connecter allowing it to be switched in at any time.  In the contest Blog for this GiG I also railed against the ridiculousness of still having to send 5-9-9 (or in my case "5NN).  Running at 95-watts
(full duty), the FT-2000 was "as cool as a cucumber".

For the 2023 WPX RTTY GiG, the decision was to run QRP remotely from KN6NBT's QTH in Ramona California.  According to the WPX website results, WQ6X took 6th-place for NA and 2nd-place for W6 (California).  A newly added MFJ-993B Intelli-Tuner to the FT-2000 installation turned the 3-el Long John 10-meter beam into a rotatable dipole for 15 & 20 meters.  The transceiver easily ran full-duty RTTY @95-watts, while keeping its cool.

For the 2024 WPX RTTY GiG
Any thoughts of repeating a RTTY run from Concord (East Bay section), were dashed during the previous weekend's Mexican RTTY GiG (which I ran remote from Ramona) when severe winds took out the antenna mast at W7AYT's QTH.  That returned WPX RTTY operations to running remote - this time QRP from Ramona.

Because of the crude (yet effective) interface cobbled together to run remotely, the score reduction reflected the difficulties of making it all work.  According to the WPX website results, WQ6X to 7th place for NA and 1st-place for W6 (California) - NoT bad for just faking it.

Bottom-line is that the last 5-years of WPX RTTY have indeed encapsulated WEIRD - in all respects.
DiD YOU run the WPX RTTY contest GiGs during 2o20 thru 2o24?
Is WQ6X (or NX6T) in YOUR LoG?

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