Thursday, October 17, 2024

Blast from the Past: California QSO Party (CQP) - Part 2

With CQP 2024 safely behind us, scanning back to October 2019, it would seem that a "Blast from the Past" post for CQP was published reflecting on all the CQP events from 2000 - 2018.  This little ad-HOC Blog post is to revisit the CQP events from 2019 thru 2023.

To make it easier to find the Blog post to each event, let's begin with summary links to those Blogs.

  • [X] - Original Blast from the Past Blog
  • [X] - 2019: K6C #1 CCOS and NX6T #2 SDIE
  • [X] - 2020: K6A #1 SDIE  and  K6C  #1 CCOS
  • [X] - 2021: K6QLF #2 ALAM
  • [X] - 2022: Confirming CQP: Some ThoTs on MaKing it All Happen
  • [X] - 2022: Confirming CQP (Part-2): Contingency Plans for Contingency Plans
  • [X] - 2022: WQ6X #1 CCOS QRP and K6Q #1 CCOS LP and NX6T #1 RIVE
  • [X] - 2022: Some CQP After-Thoughts about CQP
  • [X] - 2023: W6R #1 SDIE and WQ6X #1 CCOS and NX6T #1 RIVE
  • [X] - 2024: WQ6X Successfully Navigates a 5-Way California QSO Party
  • [X] - 2024: Amateur Radio Club of Alameda (ARCA) runs a CQP Training Exercise

CQP 2019 - WQ6X as K6C "Kicks-it" for another California QSO Party [X]

For this 2019 CQP event, I decided to take the easy way out by registering the K6C callsign and repeating last year's dual-OP with NX6T from W7AYT's QTH in Contra Costa County.  
K6C (Kilowatt Six California) was used for state-recognition variety.

CQP 2020 - WQ6X Dual-OPs another CQP as K6C & K6A [X]

From the beginning, something about the 2020 California QSO Party (CQP) event seemed attractively different.  Heading to Concord Thursday evening, I did a thorough "inventory" of WQ6X's portable setup at W7AYT's QTH in Concord.

CQP 2021 - K6QLF Runs a Memorable 1st-time ever CQP Event [X]

For 2021, a new set of opportunities made possible a unique Multi-Operator operation introducing members of the Amateur Radio Club in Alameda (ARCA) to the world of Radiosport (in general)
and the California QSO Party (in particular).  LooKing for a SAFE location to run the 30-hour
event, it was suggested that we coordinate with the California Historical Radio Society (CHRS),
whose museum JUST happens to be 2-blocks from my office in Alameda.

CQP 2022 - WQ6X Triple-OP's yet another California QSO Party [X]

From the beginning, making this weekend happen was clearly an embodiment of what I call the WB6ACU school of contest organization (even tho I believe Joe rarely works radiosport events). 
The original idea was to organize the Amateur Radio Club of Alameda (ARCA) as K6QLF.  Unable
to secure a secure location for 40+ hours eventually the deciding factor, suggesting that ARCA can always come back in 2023.

CQP 2023 - WQ6X as W6R Runs a Routine QRP Triple-OP CQP [X]

It really does seem like from the beginning, CQP offers up an expansive playing field to play
on (radiosport-wise) - each year I discover here-to-for undiscovered (for me anyway) ways to play
the CQP game.  When it's ALL over, the Question becomes, DiD the CQP contest overall adequately activate all 58 California counties [nearly] all of the time?

WQ6X Successfully Navigates a 5-Way California QSO Party [X]
The 2024 California QSO Party (CQP) was LOADED with participatory possibilities.  My personal operating goal(s) included engaging with as many of those opportunities as could be effectively experienced over a 30-hour contest operating period.  Having access to a Catalina-42 sailboat
before, during and after the CQP added yet another dimension to CQP as an operating event. 
My time was divided between 5-Events:

Do YOU ever work the CQP California QSO Party?

How many Counties are in YOUR LoGs?

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