Wednesday, September 11, 2024


700 POSTS?...   Say WHUT?

In the process of reflecting about where this Contest BloG facility has been during the last 11
years, it occurs to me that it would be useful to show a BLAST From the Past about the 100-post milestones.  This Blog accomplishes that goal.  Some posts were not at the time realized to be
milestone postings.  The links below will take you directly to those milestones, recognized or not.
  1. (100th) - January 11th, 2017

    BLOG #100 was such a monumental accomplishment at the time
    that it was given a major Blog header.

  2. (200th) - December 12, 2018

    While Post #200 was not officially acknowledged, it occurred during
    a time period when WQ6X was running NX6T remotely from my Alameda office. 
    While I still have the office, I have not run any remote operations from there in some time.

  3. (299th) - December 31, 2019

    Not wanting to miss out on Post #300, a warm-up post (#299) was posted FIRST.

  4. (300th) - January 03, 2020

    When you consider that Blog Post #100 made reference to the WP2/WQ6X operation,
    it seems completely appropriate to harken back to that same time period for Post #300.

  5. (400th) - March 24, 2021

    For Blog post #400, I was too busy running remote contest operations to even notice.

  6. (500th) - May 13, 2022

    This Blog post happened in the middle of our 10th year of the Contest Blog.

  7. (600th) - July 16, 2023

    This milestone happened so quickly that I almost missed it - now it's JUST a Number.
With my usual uneven Blog posting timeframe, my estimation for Blog post #800 is that it will make a nice Christmas present ending 2025 - assuming of course that we all make it through the NONSENSE of 2024.

C U Next Year.

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