Friday, May 13, 2022

WQ6X Posts Contest Blog #500









As we move squarely into the 10th year of the WQ6X Contest Blog, reflecting on the different
topics posted, I am amazed (if not amused) by the variety of topics (with their myriad of pictures)
that has been posted in 9 1/2 years.  

During this time, several "Blast from the Past" posts have been posted.  I've even posted a Blast
from the Past about Blasts from the Past.  I guess we could call Blog Post #500 a Blast from the
Past about past Blasts from the Past about Blasts from the Past.

This Blog began as a simple contest activity diary of sorts, augmenting my Facebook page which
is a sort of diary about the happenings in my life overall.  There are people in the vicinity of my life who (I believe) don't believe that I say and do the things and events I claim to say and do.  NoT only
do I Say and Do these things, I publish the Blogs and pictures to back everything up.

Often, Blog posts beget blog posts.  What begins as just a collection pictures and ideas under
one topic header often becomes 5 or 6 parts as the years produce different events to engage with.  Contest blog material has frequently been used as a part of various presentations I have given for various radio clubs; the classic being from the 5-Part "The Role of Respect in Radiosport" series.  Thanks to the search engine built-in to this Blogspot system, I a can find things to reminisce about.

To date, there have been over 60,000 page views from the WQ6X Contest Blog.
I trust you've received as much enjoyment from the posted material as I do from actually
posting the content.

  1. 001 to 100 - 2013 to 2016
  2. 101 to 200 - 2017 to 2018
  3. 201 to 300 - Thru all 2019
  4. 301 to 400 - Thru all 2020
  5. 401 to 500 - 2021 to 2022
Look for Blog Post #501 to serve as an index of sorts regarding many of the major blog topics.
The increased rapidity of blog posts over nearly 10 years leads me to wonder when blog post #1000 will make its appearance.  What will be happening in the world, and more specifically the world of radio at THAT time?

Somebody once said: "The only REAL way to know the future is to CREATE IT".
With the WQ6X Contest Blog, that is EXACTLY what we will do.
If you have benefited in any way from this Blog series, please let me know.
If there are any topics you would like for me to address, lemme know and I will see what can be done.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ron,
    Well, thanks very much for all the interesting stuff, and congrats on the 500! I've been reading your blog for about a year -- enjoy your writing style and the topics you go after, with attitude. As a CW operator -- how about something about QSK (full break-in)? Or perhaps your thoughts about the ubiquitous 3830 forum?
    73~ Stan AH6KO
