Wednesday, August 28, 2024

WQ6X Talks About: HERE-KiTs and THERE-KiTs - Pt. 2

I recently posted a WQ6X BLOG Entry about HERE-KITs and THERE-KITs ([CLICK HERE] to read that) as preparation for sending a message to John Bisset, columnist with Radio World Magazine on the topic of "GO KiTs".  He used my original picture and created a reasonable facsimile for his rewrite of my message to him.

The above text began some momentum that I endeavor to keep alive from time to time in this
contest BLOG.  KUDOS to Radio World for keeping the world of radio relevant for not only the broadcast community, but we Wanna-Be broadcasters - radio amateurs.  I have learned a LoT
about station and equipment maintenance from the magazine - John Bisset's columns in particular
as he frequently writes about the nuts-and-bolts of electronics and radio.

Thank you John and Thank You Radio World.


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