Monday, August 26, 2024

WQ6X runs Triple QRP QSO Parties from Ramona

This is the radiosport weekend every year that opens with so MANY possibilities, yet usually
ends with mild disappointment.  This year in particular, it seems that despite AWEsome Space-WX conditions, QSO Party participation was completely sub-PAR (saying it nicely).

KQP ending at 02:00z shuts down JUST as 40-meters is finally opening to Kansas; we NEVER
get a chance on 80-meters on the Left Coast.  Having another KQP run on Sunday is certainly nice, however it doesn't resolve the 40/80-meter discrepancy.  By default, KQP became a Cw-only GiG when on Saturday, band sweeps on 20/15/10 found no Ssb stations.
The BiG Sunday surprise was hearing OM2VL on 10-meter Cw (sounding like he is next door), frantically looking for KS stations.

OHQP is not much better.  While 80-meter contacts DiD occur (just before the QSO Party's 04:00z ending), like with Kansas, we largely get cheated out of 40-meter action.  Sweeping the Ssb areas Saturday afternoon found no Ssb stations, making this a GiG a Cw-only affair.

The Hawaii QSO Party GiG  (HQP), while giving us a whopping 48 hours to look for KH6, isn't
worth very much if only THREE stations are on the air all weekend.  When I sent (on CW) "S S B?"
to KH6AQ, his reply was "no MIC".

The YO DX contest provided a few dozen contacts from Ramona, altho the bandmaps were LOADED with EU stations - which was great for East Coast operators, but not so hot on the Left Coast.  Not having a QRP category in this contest, I ran the remote K3 at about 88-watts, which was enough to snag 3-EU stations on 40-meters.

At 5pm Sunday, the only thing of significance for the weekend was adding 4-more operating
events to the WQ6X 3830 Score list for the 2024 calendar year.

Here is how it all turned out:

DiD YOU work the state QSO Parties or YO DX contest?

Is WQ6X in YOUR LoG?

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