Tuesday, September 27, 2022

WQ6X Wanders thru a Wicked World-wide RTTY contst

Coming off an intense software design week, the CQ W.W. RTTY contest was a welcome relief.  Being a largely computer-run contest, copying Cw was NoT necessary, while not having to use
the microphone spared my voice.  RTTY contests demonstrate the reliability of the 2022-acquired
FT-2000 transceiver; it produces flawless 100-watts full-duty RTTY, just like its predecessor, the
FT-1000mp, altho the AFSK audio seems "cleaner" from the FT-2000.

Due to an intermittent
20-meter RFI issue with the portable setup in Concord, operations
began on 40-meters
Friday evening.  

On Saturday, rolling
the 8JK ladder line into
a "roller coaster" loop behind the MFJ-949E tuner seemed to cancel out the rampant 20-meter RFI energy.
We are clearly well into Solar Cycle 25.  

The solar flux was in the 140's most of the time, with no noticeable Space-WX issues to deal with other than the effects of fading on the high bands.  Because exchanges are so easily confused,
a combination of letters/numbers were sent twice - Example: "JA!xxx 5NN 03 CA - 03 CA".

The BiG surprise for this RTTY contest were numerous openings on 10-meters.  On Saturday afternoon (Sunday morning in Japan) a "pipe-line" to JA appeared, along with KH6 and ZL. 
Noticeably absent in t the SF East Bay were signals from VK (Australia); even the JA participation overall was lacking.  In recent RTTY contests, the decoding software seems to dominate the CPU.  Looks like a new laptop with a faster CPU and at least 16GB of ram is on the horizon.

While op-time was split between running frequencies and S&P, it was a delight when stations
such as CR3W would call-in.  Only working them on 80-meters was missing for CR3W. Evidently
the Concord location produces more of an NVIS signal on 80-meters, making DX communication more difficult.  Fortunately, U.S. & Canada QSOs count for 1 and 2 points (respectively).

RTTY contests always bring operating amusement. A station will frantically call-in.  I'll send
a crisp/succinct reply and they just disappear.  HuH?  Where'd you GO?"  A moment ago, you overrode other callers to make a QSO, then you disappear?  While we're at it, where were the other callers he overrode?  I made a new function key to send "WEIRD - WEIRD - WEIRD" during moments like this.

When it was all over 323 QSOs made it into the RTTY Log, just missing the goal of 100k points.

What about YOU?"

DiD YOU play in the CQ W.W. RTTY contest?

Is WQ6X in YOUR Log?

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