Tuesday, September 20, 2022

WQ6X fakes 5 QSO Parties and a RTTY Sprint

This last contest weekend represented a little bit of a lot of different events.  In a wrapper-sense,
it was all about the QSO parties: TX, WA, NH, NJ and the "unadvertised" IAQP.  The Washington Salmon Run and the TXQP were well represented.  For the IA, NH & NJ GiGs, only one contact
was made with each state, from which I submitted three 1-QSO logs and submissions to the 3830 scores website.

Daytime band conditions were iffy, so I hung out w/former classmates at a class reunion for Livermore High School.  

(The amateur radio club at LHS was known by the callsign: WA6UQX - which is not all that different from my current WQ6X callsign.

Altho the 4-hour North American (NA) RTYY Sprint began at 00:00z (5pm PDT), because
of my ongoing 20-meter RFI situation, THE RTTY band (20-m) wasn't going to happen.
Luckily, I was able to paddle-key enough Cw to work any remaining QSO party stragglers on 20-meters. 

When 40-meters finally opened, it was discovered that the RigExpert PLUS cable to the microphone input (on the back of the radio) was lying on the shelf wondering what to do next, a problem easily remedied.

Then again, by the time I resolved the cable situation, there was only 35 minutes left to play RTTY.  It's a good thing I wasn't on an SCCC RTTY team (no one volunteered to make up a team).  No one was running RTTY on 80-meters, making the WQ6X Sprint entry a single-band affair.  At 04:05z, there were still RTTY stations calling "CQ NA".  HuH?  Wassup with that?  I thot the contest was long over.  As each contest ended, the log/score was submitted immediately, in order to be done with it.

The only thing of relevant, notable, interest was the ID-pattern change of the Russian military "K" beacon on 7.038 ("K" x 4, instead of last weekend's "K" x 5).  As early as 05:50z, the "K" beacon came in LOUD and CLEAR in the SF East Bay.  As I said in a recent blog, the constantly changing beacon-ID changes is proof that these propagation beacons are being "tended to" by some sort of human-element.  Then again, the "F" beacon (Vladivostok) has been AWOL for several months,
and recently, the "M" beacon (Magadan) has also been absent.  Are all these operational significances merely statistically random anomalies?  OR?...

DiD YOU play around in the various radiosport GiGs this last weekend?
How many state counties DiD YOU Snag?
Is WQ6X in YOUR Log?

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