Sunday, August 1, 2021

WQ6X Wangles and Wrangles another Weird WadioSport Weekend












For a radiosport weekend, I am at a loss to describe the disconnectedness underlying the radiosport process.  While I have run this weekend before, probably the only word I can use to describe THIS weekend's rendition of it is: BORE-DUMB; Boredom that literally creates a dumbing-down effect.  Whatever word(s) I use, the truth is that it was one scwewy contest weekend.

Last year's Russian Multi-mode gig was an even worse-show than this year.  Missouri's MOQP event was moved from April to the end of July for the first time.  While BOTH contests were multi-mode
(Cw - Ssb - RTTY), only Cw stations were heard in BOTH contests.

Due to the scarcity of actual radiosport activity, much of the so-called OP-time was spent testing various combinations of audio filters that have been coerced into working compatibly together.

I also used the weekend to make
CQ MOQP and CQ MM-Test calls, monitoring the RBN web stats (with no calls actually answered during over 4+ hours of calling CQ).  NoNe of my CQ calls on 10-meters showed up on the RBN, except the BRIEF time I spent calling "CQ MM Test" on 10-meter RTTY.


Normally, when radiosport GiGs produce so FEW QSOs like this weekend (11 for MOQP and 2 for Russ-MM), I post nasty comments on how people should play in their own QSO parties and multi-mode contests should be working all 3 modes.  This last weekend, the "blame" goes to the receive-vortex aspect of this operating QTH.  Checking into 75-meter traffic nets, most of the time the WQ6X signal is well heard up and down the left coast.  The problem is, all to often I can barely hear stations calling me.

This weekend, other stations (mostly
on the east coast) were making 100's
of Multi-mode contacts and hearing DOZENS of MOQP stations.

With 2 wire antennas (phased-Cobra's),
a CH-250 vertical and a 3-el Long John
Yagi (for 10-m) I was expecting to hear
a significant number of QSO party participants and (maybe) make 50 QSOs in the Russian M-M GiG.

I can of course blame the depressingly low SFI numbers, altho the truth is that
the geomagnetosphere was nearly completely quiet.


Altho there no response to my CQ calls,  seeing a variety of divergent spots like ZL4YL, VK4CT, K1TTT and VE7CC reminded me that at LEAST I was being heard, mostly around the world; or at least, around the Pacific, at any rate.

Despite the handful of QSOs made in this weekend's contests, the time was made to post the score on the 3830Scores website and submit a log to BOTH contest sponsors.  That way, stations who DiD work me will get the proper credit they deserve and I get two more contests added to WQ6X's 2021 contest total (currently at 80 radiosport events thus far).

DiD YOU work the MOQP or the Multi-Mode contest?

HoW DiD things turn out for YOUR efforts?

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