Friday, September 11, 2020

WQ6X is ALMOST All-IN for All Asian SSB

The SSB version of the All Asian Contest is ALWAYS loaded w/mixed-feelings. 
Just like the YO DX contest (the weekend before), the All Asian GiG ALWAYS begins with
high hopes, and yet, always seems to end with a fizzle.  In preparation for the 2019 event,
I wrote a Blast-from-the-Past WQ6X contest blog entry about my attempts to turn several
All Asian contests in September into something with at least a bit of pizzazz.  In that spirit,
for the 2020 event, I made a special trip to W7AYT's QTH to reprise some sort of All Asian
activity.  With the COQP and TNQP QSO Parties as a backdrop, I figured it would be a
no-brainer; or is that just a no-QSOs weekend no-brainer?
W  Q  6  X  -  A L L  A S I A N  S S B -  2 0 1 5
Being a 48-hour contest, it would seem that making LoTsa Asian QSOs would be a no-Brainer.  Unfortunately, the truth is, at NX6T we had PLENTY of available OPs, frantically LooKing for too-few participating Asian Stations for our log.  Out of their own frustration numerous Asian stations called in more than once (a DUPE) on 40 & 20 meters.

The TRUTH is, not enough Asian stations call CQ in their own contest, relegating us statesiders to Doit for them; when in fact, we should NoT "have to" - they should be taking the initiative in their own contest.  You may remember in June 2019 I wrote a Blog on Why YOU should call CQ. 
([CLICK HERE] to read that.)

For this year's All Asian event, riding a NEAR-Empty BART train to Concord gave me JUST enough time to slide into NX6T's STN-2 operator seat @W7AYT's QTH in Concord.  Beginning at 02:00z, a quick tune around 20-meters informed me that this was gonna be a Slow-SLOG event; and of course it was - but because I said so?

At 02:00z, not hearing much happening on 20-meters, I put out a "CQ All Asian" call.  I received
an immediate reply from an N7 station in So. California.  I explained that I was working Asia only.  Nevertheless he went into a diatribe on how people don't listen.  He of course failed to acknowledge the fact that HE was the one not listening.  Later, as I tuned the band I heard him repeating his diatribe to yet ANOTHER stateside station calling "CQ All Asian".  HuH?

At 05:00z I was relieved by N6ERD allowing me to get some sleep until my next operating shift
at 08:00z.  Within minutes, the run frequency was FLOODED with bursts of data signals.  I had to move frequency several times as it was clear this jammer was following me around.  Throughout the next hour I dealt with a tuner-upper who would tune up and then send "V-V-V" intermittently and then resume tuning.  HuH?

Next thing I know I am informed that my 7171.41 run is interfering with some sort of NET on 7.170.  Really?  I was on the run frequency for a half-hour and they are NOW just telling me they have a NET going on?  Just because you always start a NET at 10:30z doesn't men that *I* have to move. 
How am I supposed to know (in ADVANCE) that you meet on 7.170 ever Saturday morning?

Onto 7172.22.  However now, Billy Bob and his friends are waking up in the South East and decide they want to answer my "All Asia" calls.  HuH?  Do you know what "All Asia" means?  If not, then
You should NoT call me.  If you DO, then you KNOW you should NoT call me. 
Am I missing something?

At 11:20z tuning in on the 7.039 beacon frequency, I hear spritzing noises moving around
~7.039, effectively jamming those signals.  I'm used to hearing Ssb stations on this frequency
but NoT spritzy-sounding junk.

On Saturday, the daytime conditions. were very poor.  10/15 meters never materialized and 20-meters was not much better.  The COQP QSO party turned out to be a complete BUST - I submitted a 1-QSO log.

Sunday morning at 08:30z when I started up on 7162.62, I was IMMEDIATELY met with RTTY QRM.  Really?  By 09:00z the RTTY QRM was even LOUDER so I moved to 7161.61.  At 09:28 I am again told that I am on a NET frequency.  Really?  What Net is it THIS time?  Taking refuse on 7169.69 worked well until running out of stations to work, I went to S&P mode.

Another difficulty came from Asian stations who could BARELY speak enough English to
get the message through.  Sometimes I had to ask for a callsign repeat nearly a dozen times. 
I addressed this in BEEF #13 in my write up on Respect in Radiosport. 
([CLICK HERE] to read this, if you missed it.

In listening for beacons, the "F" and "M" beacons were loud and clear altho the "K" beacon was nowhere to be found.  The "K" beacons seems to exhibit fickle behavior..  I have written about this phenomenon a couple months back.  ([CLICK HERE] to read this, if you missed it.

When it was all over, it would seem that NX6T took 1st-place outside of Asia for the Multi-single category.  It would seem that the K3EST team (@N6RO) took 1st-place but for the Multi-multi category.

On Sunday the Tennessee QSO Party (TNQP) made the scene.  Luckily there were far more Tennessee stations participating in their own QSO party, unlike Colorado the day before. 
Running as WQ6X I was at least able to make an appearance in that GiG.

Did YOU participate in the All Asian & TNQP events?

Is NX6T or WQ6X in YOUR Log?

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