Tuesday, November 26, 2024

WQ6X Creeps thru another QRP CQ W.W. Dx CW ConTesT

The month of November in 2024 brings us 5-WeeKEnds, altho only the first four were scheduled w/radiosport activity.  With the clocks turned back to Pacific STanDarD Time (PST), 20-meters (and below bands) open an hour "earlier", which is PeRFecT for a 48-hour DX contest.  CQ W.W. began
at 4pm Friday afternoon and ended at 4pm on Sunday afternoon, just as the sun was in the process
of disappearing behind overhead rain clouds.

While the Solar Flux Index (SFI) was down to around ~150, by Saturday, it had jumped to over 200 (as I type this it is at 221).  While the upper bands were somewhat noisy, 15 & 10 meters were open reliably until past 10pm.  By 8am Saturday morning, 15 & 10 were WIDE-Open to Europe - AMAZing!
(I read numerous reports that there were also EU/AF openings, on Sunday, altho that was HARDLY my experience.)

During the after-midnight time period, the game was to alternate between 2-hours sleep and 2-hours OP-time on 40-meters, which altho open to Asia, was PLAGUED by an OTH RaDaR centered right in the middle of the CW band - HuH?  WTF is THAT ALL About?

At the Ramona QTH, the 3-el Stepp-IR possesses the advantage of pointing the yagi more-or-less Southeast (towards South America), while switching 180-degrees (in <7-seconds) to work VE7, UAO
and JA stations already coming thru [early] on the upper bands.  It seemed like the bands ALL opened "early" and remained open much "later".

In perusing the scribble-notes made during the contest period, it seems the best way to make scents out of them would be to list them bullet-point style:
  • At 10:23z Saturday morning out of nowhere another OTH RaDaR suddenly appeared on 7015.69 (my run frequency).  RoTaTing the yagi while checking signal levels confirms that once again, this intruder is located in Eastern Russia - WTF is with THAT?
  • 11:02z on 7007.52 a LOUD HL2WA calls CQ.  Numerous stations call him. 
    He DISAPPEARS.  I send QRL?  receive NO response and Call CQ.  Shortly
    after HL2WA is back calling CQ, again, hearing/working NOBODY - HuH?
  • On Sunday morning, BRASH, LOUD BA4II, BH4BFS & BU2EO at different times
    jumped on my run frequency calling CQ LOUDER than ANYONE and then they
    Answer NOONE - again WTF.
  • A DX station calls in.  I work him, putting him in the LoG.  2 - 3 minutes later he
    calls in again.  DiD he log me the 1st time?  If I work him again, it's a DuP (no penalty). 
    If I don't work him again, we both get DINGED for my not logging the 2nd contact.
  • Persistently calling CQ on 3516.69 Sunday morning created a perfect propagation
    opening; even if it was only a quicky, it was PERFECT.

Throughout the weekend, WQ6X busted NUMEROUS pileups, simply by slipping my
QRP signal in between the LOUD callers.  On Sunday, a number of the SUPER stations
came back to my QRP CQ calls as they played the S & P game, looking for new callsigns.

When it was all over, it would seem that WQ6X took 4th place overall and 3rd-place for NA.

DiD YOU work the CQ WW Dx CW contest?

Is WQ6X in YOUR LoG?

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