Sunday, July 7, 2024

WQ6X Meanders thru another Marconi Memorial Fiasco

After yet another DuD Marconi Memorial contest I used the search engine built-in
to this Blog to see what I've said about it before.  ([CLICK HERE] to see that search.)

That search came up with the following Blog posts:

  • [X] - (July 3, 20) - BLAST from the Past: Memories of Marconi Memorial
  • [X] - (July 5, 20) - WQ6X Dual-OPs the DL-Dx RTTY & Marconi Cw Contests
  • [X] - (July 11, 22) -WQ6X Meanders thru the 2022 Marconi Memorial Contest

 I don't recall if I missed last year's Marconi GiG because I was actually doing something more important at the time, or if it was just pure radiosport apathy on my part.  Either way, I began the
2024 operating period with "high hopes and strong expectations", which other than RBN signal reports, the operating time spent calling CQ was of little value.

I wrote the 3830Score Soapbox entry, short and sweet:

I wish there were more hopeful things to say, but there aren't.
While stations on the east coast had QSO numbers in the several hundreds,
somehow, that JUST does not happen on the Left Coast (specif. California).
There seemed to be no activity from either the 7th or the "0" call areas.

Oh well - I submitted a log anyway (I always submit a log).  Maybe I can take
another 5th place for USA, like was done in the 2018 Marconi Memorial GiG.

DiD YOU work the Marconi Memorial CW Contest?

What was YOUR Experience?

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