Monday, May 20, 2024

WQ6X Survives HORRIBLE Space-WX to LooK for SPAIN and ARKANSAS

The King of Spain / Arkansas QSO Party contest weekend was such a DISASTER that I never got around to writing it up.  Now in hindsight, I get to piece together 3830 Score entries and a few random pictures to in the end blame it ALL on the solar storms that ravaged throughout that entire weekend.

There was also the BALTIC CW contest happening that weekend, however being a largely EU-based contest, it was all but Obliterated by the Horribly HORRIBLE Space-WX that weekend, as you can see from the Space-WX window (top-right of the above picture).

Let's begin with the KING of SPAIN radiosport contest

Interspersed w/the King of Spain GiG was the Arkansas QSO Party (ARQP)

There really is nothing more to say about the 3rd contest weekend in May.

DiD YOU work the K-o-S and/or ARQP GiGs?

Is WQ6X in YOUR LoG?

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