Sunday, June 4, 2023

WQ6X Works yet another ARQP & King-of-Spain Cw contest

What can be said about the 3rd weekend of May other than the speech title itself? 
Being a European-based contest (yes, Spain is in EU), the contest starting time was the
usual 12:00z (5am in California).

A mere 2 hours later the Arkansas QSO Party (ARQP) began operations.  Unfortunately, thanks
to lousy Space-WX conditions, only 12 AR stations made to the log on 20-meters and 1 QSO on
15-meters - Bummer Dewd!  Where were all the W5-style stations?  They should have at LEAST
made it to the band map.

The King-of-Spain Cw event did not fare much better.  I was hoping that running from KN6NBT's Ramona location would have improved the contest scores - NoT so this year, because you see,
the decision was made to run another QRP event for this GiG.

At least what this weekend brought was a thorough test-run of the infamous WQ6X audio system
at the W7AYT QTH which makes possible Stereo-CW regardless of whether I am running the FT-2000 locally in Concord or routing the internet-based audio into the Stereo-Cw configuration.  This also gives me a thorough evaluation of the sound components in time for the 4th-weekend CQ WPX
(Weird Prefix) contest the following weekend.










In the end, contacts were only made on 20-meters, making it a no-Brainer to
submit the log under the SOSB-20 (single-OP single-band 20-meters) moniker.
Ironically, it would seem that WQ6X will win a 1st-place for that category.

DiD YOU work the King-of-Spain Cw Contest?

Are you one of WQ6X's 16-QSOs?

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