Thursday, March 23, 2023

WQ6X Fakes-It 6-Times for a 7-Contest Weekend

wOw!  For a little-contest littered weekend, the 2nd weekend in March certainly seemed to
offer a JUMBO-Plethora of contest activities, weaving in and around each other as the weekend progressed.  By 10-pm it was mostly over, except for the reprises of IDQP & OKQP as well as the start of WIQP on Sunday morning.  By early afternoon, WIQP was the only event happening, altho
the participation seemed NIL until the final hour when 20-meters opened a brief propagation window to Wisconsin ending the contest at 02:00z.

In the midst of all this was the highly anticipated (and equally disappointing) SA-10 - South
American 10-meter contest.  While 10-meters was certainly open, the BiG disappointment was
the lack of participation by South American stations in their own contest - Wassup with THAT?
Even WORSE was the apparent "no-show" @W7AYT of the Tesla HF Memorial contest.  
This happened last year as well.  I remember when the Tesla contest always brought activity
into the WQ6X log.  Again, wassup with that?

In fact, this weekend also showcased the YB DX RTYTY contest; a GiG that has always left me somewhat frustrated.  Amazingly enough this year WQ6X managed to put 51 QSOs into the contest log.  There is no QRP entry in the YB DX contest, offering up the opportunity to run 100-watts full-duty RTTY, which the FT-2000 (and its FT-1000mp predecessor) does quite nicely.

Because I was running completely from the Concord location, I couldn't expect much from the
Stew Perry Top Band Challenge (SP-160) contest.  The THREE QSOs made were a testament
to the efficacy of the MFJ-993B's ability to match the 8JK-Cobras (at best an 80-meter antenna). 
Northern California and Southern Oregon are proof the antenna more-or-less radiates on Top Band.

Throughout the entire weekend, I didn't feel like I really connected with each radiosport event. 
From the beginning the NA RTTY Sprint seemed like a laborious exercise.  Ironically, the only
contest GiG I felt comfortable with was the YB DX RTTY contest.  I guess ya' never know how
it's gonna work out.

DiD you work any of the 8 radiosport contests on the March 11th weekend?

Is WQ6X in YOUR Log?

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