Tuesday, October 19, 2021

WQ6X Wanders Thru a Wobbly Radiosport Weekend










After putting in several weeks of radiosport and time in the office,
this weekend was [s]elected to be a lazy one.  Enjoying extra sleep
was such an over-arching goal that I failed to realize that the JARTS
RTTY GiG actually began @5pm (PDT) on FRIDAY (NoT on Saturday).

This weekend there were 3 radiosport events worthy of investigation:

  1. [X] - The JARTS RTTY Contest
  2. [X] - The New York State QSO Party (NYQP)
  3. [X] - The Illinois State QSO Party (ILQP)

Luckily on Saturday morning the NYQP gave me an event to run while "waiting for the JARTS GiG
to begin".  While it is true that W7AYT's Concord QTH represents a noticeable receive-signal vortex, the number of internet band spots was disappointingly low, leading to my low turnout conclusion.

Things were even WORSE for the ILQP GiG on Sunday.  I ALWAYS declare N1MM+ to run mixed-mode for QSO parties.  All too often, lack of hearable/workable Ssb signals relegates the eventual
log submission to a Single-OP Cw-Only entry.  For the NYQP, one Ssb station finally made it to log
on 20-meters.

The JARTS GiG gave me the opportunity to play radiosport without having to decode code, or ruin
my voice.  Considering that most 100-watt radios can only manage to run RTTY @50% power levels,
I am routinely doubly-amazed that the Yaesu FT-1000mp can produce a clean 100-watt RTTY signal consistently throughout a 48-hour contest weekend.









Because WQ6X Loves to run frequencies in RTTY contests, the radio better be able to handle
the heat.  The MP's massive heat sink and fan ventilation system makes this a no-Brainer.

By contrast, the (onsite) ICOM-7000 must be dialed back to 45-50 watts during RTTY GiGs
lest it "FRY the Finals".  The REAL answer of course is for the 7000 to run @5 watts to drive
a 100 - 150 watt LP amplifier; depending on the power level(s) designated got a given contest.

In an attempt to understand the propagation patterns to/from the receive-signal vortex in Concord,
I routinely rely on the Reverse Beacon (RBN) Network for more information, altho I often end up more confused than confident from the data.  There were consistently FOUR stations that ALWAYS heard me, and yet, no live operators called in from those locations.  

Calling CQ NYQP, no RBN spots were made from the east coast area (except KM3T in NH)
and yet, New York stations (when I could hear them) quickly returned my calls to their CQ's.

The LoGs have all been submitted along with the scores posted on the 3830scores website.  DiD I actually learn anything?  YES!  I learned that more than ever - I LOVE SLEEP.  I ALSO learned that need for SLEEP can sideline an effective radiosport competition entry.  Uh OH.  the upcoming CQ W.W., November Sweepstakes, JIDX Ssb and WAE RTTY GiGs are ALL lengthy affairs.
What am I to Do about SLEEP?

StaY TuneD for the Answer.

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