However the last weekend of October offered me the opportunity to test run the recently acquired Elecraft K3/0 remote radio control unit during an SSB contest.
For reasons beyond my control, the goal of working a recently acquired Mikrotik wireless hotspot
into the configuration never materialized. That meant Friday evening required reverting back to the RCFORB & IP-Sound approach; a measurably archaic system compared to the K3/0 + RRC-1258 hardware configuration.
Unable to make transmit audio work via RCFORB, John (K6AM) loaded up NX6T's station #1 voice memories allowing efficient Search & Pounce (S&P) operation. Using an Autek QF-1A audio filter on the RCFORB laptop audio made difficult voice accents more readable. While I worked on things, Rick (N6CY) kept station #2 alive.
N 6 C Y and N 6 K I |
back from dinner to relieve me for a nap (which never materialized because S&P'ing left me wired"). Before long
it was time for my 1am shift.
Because the SFI (Solar Flux Index) continues to hover around 69 or so,
80 & 75 meters were the primary evening bands, with a handful of contacts made on 160 to round
things out a bit. By 7am (W6 time) the Dx disappeared returning 80 & 40 back to more-or-less local communications.
Saturday began with the monthly meeting of the Amateur Radio Club of Alameda (ARCA) where we learned about the FT-8 digital mode,
After the club meeting, a drive was made to W7AYT'S QTH by way of a stop at Ham Radio Outlet (HRO) in Oakland to pickup
a 50' roll of RG-8X coax for Dennis' newly acquired Buddipole Deluxe.
Saturday afternoon I helped Dennis put the antenna through
a thorough test-run. While the Buddipole instructions are abundantly clear, the final secret to properly adjusting a Buddipole is an antenna analyzer such as the MFJ-259
which for me has provided years of exceptional antenna
design experience.
T o w e r # 2 |
While our score (as reported by the 3830 Scores website) was nothing spectacular, our operation gave us the opportunity to test-drive the current Fallbrook station configuration, B-I-C & Remote.
Did you play in the CQ W.W. SSB contest?
Is NX6T in YOUR Log?