Wednesday, January 22, 2025

BLAST from the PAST: 2024 Radiosport in Review

Next to 2O2O, 2024 produced the 2nd highest count (135 entries) of specific, individual, WQ6X radiosport event operations for a single calendar year.  Correlatively, the number of Blog entries somewhat mirror the number of actual events run.  In BoTH cases, the high counts had a LoT
to do with dual-OP'ing, triple-OP'ing and even a Quad-operation of this year's ARRL 10-meter

Unlike 2020, a major difference is the large number of contest events which were run using QRP power.  During the last two years, I have spent countless hours perusing the all-time high scores for CQ and ARRL contests, as well as other worldwide contests and even the 4 QSO Party weekend in May, the MOQP the end of July and of course, the California QSO Party (CQP) the 1st weekend of every October.

What I discovered was very low score submissions for many of the contest QRP categories. 
Being an opportunist who cannot pass up on an easy accomplishment, since mid-2023,
one-by-one, WQ6X has been replacing those all-time QRP records.  LooK thru some of
the records pages and you will see WQ6X littered throughout.

Most notable for this year have been the ARRL RTTY RU, DX Cw and DX Phone GiGs and
of course the November Sweepstakes (both Cw & Ssb), not mention numerous county records running solo with N6GEO or NX6T.  Unfortunately, some contest events do NoT have a QRP category, requiring a different strategy to make a high score.
Software updates to the WQ6X Beacon Tracker software now make it easier to follow Space-WX
and track beacons.  With its built-in SNaP-SHoT camera, screen shots can be saved for inclusion
into Blogs like this one.

I have learned to leverage the Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) to calm my anxiety that builds up when no stations reply to my "CQ TesT" calls.  If RBN receivers can hear my QRP signal, then at least I know the Xmtr and antenna system are reasonably functional and capable of generating RF out into space; finding an actual OP to actually HEAR my signal is of course, another thing altogether.

Using the RBN on multiple bands gives me insight as to which band to operate at any given moment.  It's also useful for antenna rotation tests, checking signal levels in different directions, all in preparation for upcoming radiosport GiGs.

One notable evening I was running a rotation test from the Ramona QTH in preparation for an upcoming QRP event.  I was purposely calling "CQ DX de WQ6X WQ6X" to get RBN stats while turning the  yagi, w/o having to accept calls from statesiders like Billy-Bob and his brother Barney.  After 20+ minutes with the yagi pointing ~350-degrees, a call came in from VY1CO, certainly qualifying a "DX".  His 589 report was the final information needed to confirm the efficacy of
running QRP power into a 3-el. Stepp-IR yagi @ 55'.

First and foremost, before all significant radiosport events, I not only read the rules thoroughly
(being clear on what is allowed and what isn't), I often look at previous years score results and
as mentioned earlier the high-score records (when available).  
[CLICK HERE] for a write-up on that.

It was a year ago that a change had occurred to the JIDX contest, dis-allowing an individual operator from participating in more than 1 operation (I used to put in hours for NX6T and run as WQ6X from some other location).  The days of dual-OP'ing the JIDX contest are now ancient history.  

Fortunately, JIDX Ssb pairs-up w/the48-hour WAE RTTY contest which essentially "wraps around"
the JIDX GiG.  In 2024, that weekend I was either running Ssb to JA for NX6T, or as WQ6X running into EU and all continents beyond, not to mention the Ssb SPRINT contest for 4-hours on Saturday.

December was double and triple busy period thanks to Triple-OP'ing the 10-meter contest,
bracketed by a pair of 160-meter contests and of course the RAC Winter contest, to wrap it all up.

Bottom-line - 2024 was a BUSY radiosport year - expect 2025 to run much the same way.

What radiosport GiG DiD YOU run in 2024?  Would you care to share some tales?

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